What we have been up to…

‘Welcome’ to Ladybirds Pre School, Thorrington.

At ladybirds, our aim is to provide each child with the best possible start to their Early Years Education. We pride ourselves on providing a nurturing environment which is safe and secure. Each child is treated with warmth, kindness and respect.

Caring for your child is always our priority, alongside providing each child with a positive learning experience which enables them to thrive, develop and progress as valued individuals.

We are proud to say that we are a Makaton friendly setting and use signing with all children across each session. We use signs to communicate with others, linked to our interests and themes and to accompany songs and rhymes. We are passionate about embedding this as a useful communication tool for all children, families, staff and the wider community.

Our own Caterpillars Baby and Toddler Group runs each Wednesday morning during term time.

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Ladybirds is a pack away setting based in Thorrington Village Hall and has been running since September 2011.

We are lucky to have our own, secure bespoke outside area, allowing us to access outdoor learning all year round.

Children also enjoy visits to Thorrington Playing field where we explore nature, access various physical activities, Easter egg hunts and other themed events, including our annual sports day.